Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Here we go!

We are finally taking some positive steps forward! Justin has a semen analysis complete with morphology on Monday morning. I have an HSG scheduled for the 7th of next month (see below,) and a pelvic ultrasound on the 15th of August to check for endometriosis. I wish they would do a laparoscopy the same time as the HSG, so I would save time and money. Once we get the results on the 15th, she will make a determination of our next steps. Most likely Clomid. I guess we shall see. At this point, we are both just excited to be moving forward.

From The Infertility Survival Handbook, by Elizabeth Swire Falker

HSG = Hysterosalpinogram

What it's for: This may be one of the most useful nonsurgical diagnostic tools in your Reproductive Endocrinologist's arsenal. It is a sophisticated X ray that allows your RE to look inside your uterine cavity and fallopian tubes to determine if both are structurally sound.

What's involved: The HSG takes about half an hour and is performed at the hospital usually in the beginning or middle of your menstrual cycle, before ovulation. You will be given antibiotics to take for a few days afterwards to prevent infection. This can be a very uncomfortable test, but there is little way of predictive whether yours will be painless or not.

It works like this: You get on top of a large table underneath an X-ray machine, and you put your feet in stirrups. Your doctor inserts a speculum (at this point in your testing you almost don't notice this part) and then a catheter through your cervix into your uterine cavity. Through the catheter, your RE will inject a dye that is visible on the X-ray machine. This allows your RE to see the shape of your uterine cavity and any abnormalities (polyps or fibroids) and whether the dye flows through your fallopian tubes. If it doesn't flow through, your tubes are probably obstructed.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Oh where Oh where

Oh where will I find my next job? (big sigh) I'm sure one will come along. I applied for a few more jobs today. It's amazing how few there are to go around in this city. So, after submitting applications, I resigned myself to suffer the 100 degree heat poolside. I know! Pure torture! I had to swim, and lay in the sun, and talk to friends and family. It was tough. (laughing)

We have quite a bit planned for this weekend, so be prepared for some fun stories!

So, Justin turns 30 soon, and don't we have some fun things in store for him! (giggling devilishly!) My dad's birthday is also right around the corner. So, fun things are in store there too!

The 25th I have an appointment with the GYN. Hello Clomid. Amen and it's about time! We should be scheduling a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG.) (see below.)

"This is an x-ray study of the uterus and fallopian tubes. It is done just after a woman's menstrual period so there is no danger of her being pregnant and thereby exposing the fertilized egg or embryo to radiation. A dye containing iodine-technically called a contrast medium-is injected through the cervix. It spreads into the uterus and the fallopian tubes, allowing them to be visualized on x-ray. Among other things, this study often enables the physician to determine if the fallopian tubes are open. It is usually done without an anesthetic in the x-ray department of a hospital or clinic."

So, I'm excited that we are moving forward. Wish us luck!